I write here on various subjects including philosophy, Hinduism, Carvaka, education, relationships and anything that catches my fancy!
Here is a rather revolutionary perspective about life and wealth: Don’t play the lottery…you might win. Any unearned wealth, or wealth that is disproportionate to the objective value you provide…
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“No one at the point of death is presumed to lie” – a judge has observed thus in India. Additional Sessions Judge Arun Kumar Arya in Delhi said “A person…
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Marriage is fast losing relevance even amongst the tradition-oriented communities in India. They are aping the West in resorting to divorce for flimsy reasons. If the parties could not adjust…
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Men just do just anything, even to the extent of risking their lives in utterly foolish adventures to humor women, lest they get spurned!
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This is an old picture circulated through emails: This one appeared in today’s newspaper (The Hindu) in India. It shows villagers helping out boys marooned in floods in the Indian…
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