Microsoft is the darling of wisecrackers!

The other name for Windows, Microsoft’s ubiquitous operating system is “crash”! It’ll crash at the slightest suggestion and at the most inopportune times. The internet and print media have dealt with the malaise of crashing ad nauseam.

Here is a whiz who has divined the reason for the crashy-crash. He avers it is after all, you own fault! His remedy: You type the following command: Hold ALT, CTRL, CAPS LOCK, and TAB while simultaneously pressing F8, HOME, ARROW DOWN, and ENTER!

This will bring up the following highly illustrative dialog box. Examine the tabs and options closely to select your preferences:



Here are some more fun thingys courtesy Microsoft!

Office Options unraveled:

New Office Options

Paper-clip helper:


Thanks: Mr. Nukie

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