I write here on various subjects including philosophy, Hinduism, Carvaka, education, relationships and anything that catches my fancy!
Today’s Operating Systems are heavily bloated and try to be everything for everybody. Spurred by a false notion that an OS must be omnipotent and should try to handle any…
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Because there is good lot of money in them! The world is full of weird characters who start collecting just anything. Then why not vintage computers! The Reuters story tells…
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Are you one of those blokes who spend hours on end staring at the monitor, contracting Carpal Tunnel Syndrome by continuous clickety-clicking and living in the virtual world, totally oblivious…
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Websence has alerted about a new set of the Warezov/Stration malicious code. This new code is currently spreading through the ubiquitous Skype network. Although the code itself is not self-propagating,…
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Out of the upwards of 27 million blogs in the world, the “most-linked-to 50” amongst them are mapped with their connections in the New York magazine’s page entitled : Linkology…
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ZDNet, the technology news web site (now a part of C|Net Portal) is hiring Bloggers. Yes. If you are a confident blogger with a flowery keyboard skills, try knocking at…
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I have started a write about some (mildly) technical matters of everyday usage in this blog: http://technobab.wordpress.com/ Visit, visit and visit! (no “h” anywhere but – no extra “t” here…
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