I write here on various subjects including philosophy, Hinduism, Carvaka, education, relationships and anything that catches my fancy!
PCWorld reports: The line between virtual reality and its flesh-and-blood cousin blurred a little this week as a 43-year-old Tokyo woman was jailed for murdering her virtual ex-husband’s avatar. After…
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I had embedded the audio of the musical narrative of Prof. Henri Higgins advising men not to let a woman in your life, in the famous classic movie “My Fair…
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Thought: 1 When we are born, our mothers get the compliments and the flowers. When we are married, our brides get the presents and the publicity. When we die, our…
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And here are some catcalls: “You are in grave danger if you do” “You there! You can’t die there. Didn’t you read the sign? Go die somewhere else!” “Violators will…
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This was the presentation that I made before the students of the Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, India. [slideshare id=565221&doc=webapplications-1219418068538207-8]
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Something to pass your time by!
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In 1977, Charles and Ray Eames made a nine-minute film called Powers of Ten that still has the capacity to expand the way we think and view our world. Over…
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