I write here on various subjects including philosophy, Hinduism, Carvaka, education, relationships and anything that catches my fancy!
An ingenious bank robber dressed as a road maintenance worker pulled a heist which was made possible partly thanks to the internet and its inherent anonymity. The robber pepper-sprayed a…
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Bob Cringely has talked about his nosy uncle whose name happens to be Sam! And the news is that the Deputy Director of National Intelligence, Government of U.S of A,…
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Listen to this sane advice from this renowned techie columnist Bob Cringely, who has an intelligent ear to the ground all the time, or perish! CHANGE YOUR DAMNED PASSWORDS!! Most…
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Here are some “snafus” and intentional monkeying by the ultimate boogeyman of computer world, Microsoft of Windows, as reported by Robert X. Cringely in his latest column: Windows Update automatically…
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One of the web pages I love to visit regularly is I, Cringely, the Pulpit, the very insightful, informative, well-reasoned, futuristic and incisive essays of Robert X.Cringely on the happenings…
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