Typing Characters That Are Not on the Keyboard

Excerpts from a “Get It Write” article:

Here are the typing codes for the legal “section” symbol and some of the most commonly used monetary symbols:

Alt + 0167 = § = section symbol
Alt + 0163 = £ = the British pound
Alt + 0128 = € = the Euro of the European Union
Alt + 0165 = ¥ = the Japanese yen

These are the codes for some of the most-often-used international diacritics (including the two mentioned above). Again, just hold down the Alt key and type the four-digit codes using the numeral key pad on the far right of your enhanced keyboard:

Alt + 0224 = à = lowercase a with grave accent
Alt + 0225 = á = lowercase a with acute accent
Alt + 0226 = â = lowercase a with circumflex
Alt + 0227 = ã = lowercase a with tilde
Alt + 0228 = ä = lowercase a with umlaut
Alt + 0230 = æ = lowercase ae diphthong (ligature)
Alt + 0231 = ç = lowercase c with cedilla
Alt + 0232 = è = lowercase e with grave accent
Alt + 0233 = é = lowercase e with acute accent
Alt + 0234 = ê = lowercase e with circumflex
Alt + 0235 = ë = lowercase e with umlaut
Alt + 0236 = ì = lowercase i with grave accent
Alt + 0237 = í = lowercase i with acute accent
Alt + 0238 = î = lowercase i with circumflex
Alt + 0239 = ï = lowercase i with umlaut
Alt + 0241 = ñ = lowercase n with tilde
Alt + 0242 = ò = lowercase o with grave accent
Alt + 0243 = ó = lowercase o with acute accent
Alt + 0244 = ô = lowercase o with circumflex
Alt + 0245 = õ = lowercase o with tilde
Alt + 0246 = ö = lowercase o with umlaut
Alt + 0249 = ù = lowercase u with grave accent
Alt + 0250 = ú = lowercase u with acute accent
Alt + 0251 = û = lowercase u with circumflex
Alt + 0252 = ü = lowercase u with umlaut
Alt + 0253 = ý = lowercase y with acute accent

Here is a miscellaneous list of other basic characters and symbols:

Alt + 0169 = © = copyright symbol
Alt + 0174 = ® = registered trademark symbol
Alt + 0176 = ° = degree symbol
Alt + 0177 = ± = plus-or-minus sign
Alt + 0182 = ¶ = paragraph mark
Alt + 0188 = ¼ = fraction, one-fourth
Alt + 0189 = ½ = fraction, one-half
Alt + 0190 = ¾ = fraction, three-fourths
Alt + 0215 = × = multiplication sign

And on a final note, to create a bulleted list in an e-mail or a regular document when you’re using a software program that does not have an automatic bulleting feature, simply type Alt + 0149, and a bullet will appear in your text.

© Get It Write.

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