I write here on various subjects including philosophy, Hinduism, Carvaka, education, relationships and anything that catches my fancy!
I have started a write about some (mildly) technical matters of everyday usage in this blog: http://technobab.wordpress.com/ Visit, visit and visit! (no “h” anywhere but – no extra “t” here…
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At last it has happened. Yes. SAP, world’s third-biggest software company is cutting its recruitment of Indian software experts because they are too expensive and is instead looking towards China…
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This story on Google censorship on its China-based search engine brings out instances of some weird filtering. The term “sex” is filtered out, so is Essex.com (or, essex.co.uk)! No search…
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You always reach where you started from… At age 4 success is not peeing in your pants. At age 12 success is having friends. At age 16 success is having…
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This piece of news from Robert X. Cringely about the spin-off benefits of Govermental policies and actions makes interesting reading! “Here’s one more tidbit on wire-taps: They get you free…
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There is an excellent resource for creating and remembering passwords (in the present world, you can’t live without them, can you!). Since you have to have innumerable passwords for different…
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Someone calling himself “John Kerry” (Remember him? He is the one who is responsible for G.W.Bush’s – or Dubya’s – 2nd term – by losing!) posted a diary on the…
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