Wisdom in hindsight by Guy Kawasaki: 10: Live off your parents as long as possible. 9: Pursue joy, not happiness. 8: Challenge the known and embrace the unknown. 7: Learn…
There is an interesting artilcle in Blog Critics on the role of BitTorrents in perpetuating P2P music sharing despite hectic maneuvering and arm-twisting by the music business houses. Very informative.
Some tips for facing the audience squarely and speaking up: Read Extensively and Improve your vocabulary. Note down difficult words, phrases and flowery usages and look up the dictionary and…
You can call it the biggest dilemma of the homo-sapiens (of the blogosphere) since the notorious “to-bite-or-not-to-bite-the-forbidden-apple” one! Here is the rest of the story: The Blogosphere of a particular…
Listen to this number – the one with the title “Headlock” – of the album “Speak For Yourself” of Imogen Heap from the podcast found here: Imogen Heap – Headlock…
Wikipedia needs money: donate now. What is “Wikipedia”, you ask? You sanctimonious moron, you have no business to dwell on the internet. Scoot, before my mother-in-law is launched on your…
What is happening around us? Has the world grown totally evil? On one hand a few good Samaritans burn their midnight oil and write tons of code justforkix, another set…