Sathya Sai Baba
It was the culmination of a prolonged wait for the final announcement. One might be wondering as to how long you could prolong it, with rival factions vying to take control of the astronomically humongous fortune (one estimate puts it at 1.5 lakh crores!) and fighting in the open through the scandal-hungry media. A few were knocking at the doors of courts too.
So it was announced at about 10-40 hours IST on 24th of April 2011 CE that the ultimate GodMan, the saviour of millions of ordinary mortals has ultimately kicked the ceremonial bucket three hours earlier. But the end was not sudden. Each vital organ after another was steadily failing in the hospital where he was provided conventional medical attention (not a divine magic) for about a month. His condition during that period was filed under the column of living, not by the mystic powers that are attributed to him, but by hemodialysis, heart-lung machine and ventilator – like any other terminally ill muggles!
But he holds the record for sustaining the longest “godmanship” in the world. And that is a remarkable feat for a Telugu-speaking normal lad from a remote village in Andhra Pradesh.
Was Sathya Sai Baba a fake, or a real incarnation of God as claimed by him? Let us see what BBC has to tell us:
Balance episodes of this BBC documentary can be viewed from this web page.
Further reading:
- Call for an investigation
- Irrefutable facts
- Sathya Sai Baba – The Truth
- Karma and retribution
- The materialization controversy
You can, of course, use Google for further enlightenment!
- An open letter on corruption and governance deficit to our (so called) leaders!
- Heartening to see N.Murali, despite The Hindu!
i saw the documentary on sathya saibaba
He didnt appear as a godman to me
but a good man. He has done a lot to
the people thro his trust. I was first
inspired thro sai bhajan songs.
He once visited my village(Budalur) in early 60s. And a quite few times in chennai during 90s.Reg.the magics
even PC sorcar challanged him but
swami just ignored him.In my family
circle he is known tobe a good sanyasi
and that is all. SK, this site is very
good and i will come to you after some time.
Nice article. I am waiting for your next article.