I write here on various subjects including philosophy, Hinduism, Carvaka, education, relationships and anything that catches my fancy!
Surprisingly children show exemplary scientific temper and spirit of inquiry, given a chance! Here is a set of scientific musings of school children peppered with humor and creativity! To explain…
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… and that of your wife, children and other dependents. Yes. Looking after oneself is a duty befallen on you. And the family that you have created out of your…
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A seven-year-old has been charged in a dowry case in Bihar. Santosh, a class four student has paid the price for a crime he did not commit. ”They framed me…
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You always reach where you started from… At age 4 success is not peeing in your pants. At age 12 success is having friends. At age 16 success is having…
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I have been ranting against the rampant tendency on the part of elders to treat the children as eternal delinquents who should be dealt with constantly by a stick and…
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A heart-wrenching episode that appeared in Rediff.com takes you to another world! No, never will anyone break anyone’s bangles, any tiny heart! Read it here:: Rediff Diary by Suresh G…
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A week after her teacher bashed her with a bulky record notebook, 17-year-old Caroline T. Daffadil, still struggles hard to move the swollen neck and lift her face. She is…
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