It is one the urban legends doing rounds around the internet. It has attained such a longevity that it pops up over and over again in different versions, sometimes attributed…
Are you an “Upgrade freak”, itching to bung in the “latest” apps and brag about it to your buddies? Stop to think for a while. Consider the fate of those…
The days of being tied to your own computer are over. We are on to portability. Yes, your virtual computer that goes with you to wherever you have an access…
Rollable water container innovation – a boon for developing countries One of the simplest and yet most elegant designs tackles a job that millions of men and women spend innumerable…
Here is an excellent (revealing) video on Indus Valley Civilization. It is a pity that the site is situated in Pakistan, an Islamic country, which is not interested in excavation…
The most used (or, abused?) buzzword of the day in geekosphere is undoubtedly “Web 2.0”! Blogger Ramon Padilla googled for this exotic term and received 76,200,000 hits. After perusing about…