I write here on various subjects including philosophy, Hinduism, Carvaka, education, relationships and anything that catches my fancy!
The indomitable Gauls never fail to tickle even the most sombre and melancholy moron of the species. They have fans across all age groups. I know of so many who…
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aka Toiling with open source projects aka Thankless sweating out. Yes, it left-handedly supports the theory of “quid pro quo” and “there is nothing called free lunch”; all other pursuits…
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The squares “A” and “B” are of the same color! Impossible? My color picker swears both are #787878 (Hexa-RGB). Amazing, but true!! Here is the proof (follow the vertical bars):-…
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You have heard of LAN,WAN et al. But have you known a thing called HAN? Yes, there is a path-breaking new technology called Human Area Networking. Your body could soon…
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Are you paranoid over the evil called Internet? Do you swear that it is up to no good? Not even its offsprings like email, groups, VOIP, chat, webcam, newsletters, BBSs,…
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After a spate of media hyperbole on the astronomical heights that China has scaled and the giant of an economy that China has become vis-à-vis India, things have sobered a…
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A beautician lives on time! Right?
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