Want to track down the email you sent to others? Was it read, or deleted unopened? Was it read for only one hundredth of a second before the the recipient’s…
That is pee-power for you! 🙂 A paper battery that uses urine as its power source will soon be present in home testing kits for conditions such as diabetes. Until…
The good folks at Ubuntu.com have sent me a bunch of CDs containing Ubuntu Linux distribution (“Distro” to them geeks!). Each set contains a CD for installation and another for…
Blogging has travelled a long road on Cyberia, from a humble beginning as a string of useful and interesting links that one stumbles upon in his internet safari to become…
I, sitting and praying for a measley 64 kbps (assured) pipe, am turning dark green while reading the following posting in PC World’s Tecklog. Look at the luxury that the…